Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh baby baby, how was I supposed to know?

Well hello there dear blog of mine! This is Dilek reporting live from her kitchen. Some serious manti (I guess you could call it a Turkish version of ravioli) boiling is going on. Although the link has a recipe that calls for some cooking from scratch, I decided to go with a ready version of it that I got from a Greek grocery store. It's 11:40 p.m. for crying out loud! Do you really expect me to prepare dough and ground beef at this time? Didn't think so. ;)

So, I know that neither Alba nor I have been blogging properly. And we really have no excuse because even though life may get busy, it's not like it gets so busy that we don't have time to blog every once in a while. I guess it's just that it's not a habit for us yet, we're not used to it. :) But we really do get excited about blogging and don't fail to read other people's blogs everryyyydayyy.

This morning I woke up at 10 a.m. and barely caught the bus at 12:22 p.m. to make it to my 1:25 p.m. class. I grabbed a ziplock full of cornflakes cereal and rushed out of the door. Math only class on Wednesdays and lasts only 50 minutes. It's totally not worth a 55 minute commute, but life is hard and you can say that again. Life is hard. After class, I read a little for chemistry and then headed for Panera Bread! I was originally going to make a panini and bring a lunch from home but I took too long in the shower and didn't have time! But you know, I'm not complaining. I could eat an almond napa sandwich everyday for the rest of my life. So, I don't mind running out of time. I really, really, really don't! :D heheh.

Half of a Napa Almond Chicken sandwich, a bowl of Garden Vegetable with pesto soup. All that and a bag of chips! 
Once I got back to campus, I decided to make myself a little happy before studying some more with a brownie and 12 chocolate covered espresso beans from the coffee shop across the street from campus. :)

Here's a close up of the brownie. Guys, let me just say that looks can really be deceiving. As yummy and nummy and delicious and nutritious this brownie may seem, it might just be the most disgusting brownie I have ever encountered. First of all, homegirl smelled like eggs when it's supposed to smell like chocolate! Second of all, it was just too sweet and flowery and way too soft. I like my brownies hard, thick, dense but chewy. ;) The chocolate covered espresso beans please me each and every time I get them. They wake me up and please my mouth and throat. :)

And there is the super, obnoxiously late dinner called Manti. Actually it is spelled Manti without a dot on the i, pronounced mahn-tuh. Really relevant, huh? It is now 12:22 a.m. and I am just done eating. So Manti, as I mentioned before, does come from the Turkish cuisine. Usually the little doughs are filled with ground beef, parsley and other herbs. Since the one I am eating is a ready one, it is not stuffed with meat but with soy meat. Time for a tiny bit of studying until I get this bad boy digested and then I'll hit the sheets!
xoxo, Gossip Girl
haha no it's me again, Dilek.
Have a wonderful time lovelies! :)

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